Venomous spiders: Most spider bites are harmless and only result in some discoloration, swelling, or itchiness. If left untreated, both can be life-threatening. In most cases, early treatment of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and anaplasmosis with antibiotics can reduce the risk of serious complications. Some of these longer-term issues could include muscle and joint pain, arthritis, memory problems and nerve damage, depending on how far the disease has progressed. “Lyme disease symptoms may go beyond the typical rash and can also affect your joints and long-term heart health if not appropriately treated,” says Zylberglait. If blood tests confirm that you have Lyme disease, the bacterial infection can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Other signs of a tick-borne illness may include: Most people with Lyme disease - roughly 70 to 80 percent-develop a bulls-eye rash, but not everyone will. Ticks that spread these diseases are typically found in certain parts of the country, particularly the northeast or mid-Atlantic region and the north-central states (Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan). American dog ticks, Rocky Mountain wood ticks, and brown dog ticks can spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever, one of the deadliest tick-borne diseases in the U.S. These include Lyme disease and anaplasmosis, an infection that is usually mild to moderate but in rare cases can be fatal. carry diseases, but some blacklegged ticks can transmit infections. It can take a tick up to 2 hours to get ready to feed after planting itself on your skin, and it usually takes around 36 to 48 hours of feeding for them to transmit diseases such as Lyme disease. Ticks: If you find an engorged tick embedded in your skin, it may have been there a while. A bug bite or sting usually isn’t cause for alarm, but there are situations that may require medical attention: In some cases, you may not even be sure what landed on your skin. You might not realize that you’ve been bitten until it’s too late.
“However, they may cause different types of complications, which could be as simple as a rash, but could also include more serious problems, like skin infections or allergic reactions.” What bit you? “In general, bug bites are benign conditions,” says Dr.

How do you know if your nagging bug bite is worth your concern? The answer depends on what bit you, how your body reacts to the bite, and whether or not it becomes infected, says Miriam Zylberglait, MD, an internist at HCA Florida Aventura Primary Care in Aventura, Florida. Certain insects could also spread infections, such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) in parts of the United States and other locations around the world. In other cases, insect bites and stings that aren’t dangerous for some people could trigger allergic reactions in others. That fact is, even seemingly harmless bug bites can lead to complications that may require medical attention. Some bites may go unnoticed, while others are so itchy and swollen you may be willing to try an array of over-the-counter remedies to get some relief. With backyard barbeques, picnics and summer hikes come bug bites - and quite often, lots of them.